Tempting Fate Alissa Johnson

Tempting Fate

Alissa Johnson

Leisure, Feb 2009, $6.99

ISBN: 0843961562

When Whittaker Cole and Mirabelle Browning were children their constant bickering looked cute to the adults amused by them. Each understood even as youngsters, their arguments were not endearing; instead they hated one another. Neighbors once again, their preadolescent antagonism has not abated one iota as they still detest one another.

Mirabelle insists she would never be attracted to the handsome Earl who is considered prime meat (and real estate) on the Marriage Mart. Whit insists he would never be attracted to the hellion next door who broke his nose. Their families believe they make a perfect couple and when they kiss neither can pull back; leaving both to wonder how could a lifetime of fighting lead to love.

The amusing sequel to the charming espionage Regency romance AS LUCK WOULD HAVE IT is somewhat different in tone as there is no spying yet shares in common as an enjoyable lighthearted historical due to the antics of the cast. The lead couple is either kissing or arguing while the support cast plays matchmakers. Fans will relish this fabulous romp as the laughs keep on coming as does the romance.

Harriet Klausner

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