The Devil Is a Lie-ReShonda Tate Billingsley

The Devil Is a Lie

ReShonda Tate Billingsley

Pocket, Jul 7 2009, $14.00

ISBN 9781416578048

In Houston, Nina Lawson is euphoric when she learns that her six selected numbers were called in the lottery, which means she has won the eight million dollars prize.  Her elation quickly turns to rancor and outrage when everyone including strangers and family members she has not heard from in seemingly centuries demand a piece of the action.  However, the worst betrayal is her fiancé Rick Henderson, who is spending the money even before she has officially received the check.

Soon afterward, she learns that she is still married to Todd; his girlfriend Pam spent the divorce filing fee on a Fendi bag.  Pam feels it is destiny and insists Todd demand his share of the loot; he agrees, but hides his reason from his shallow lover; he needs money to pay for a heart transplant for his Grams.

This is a lighthearted amusing contemporary romance starring a wonderful caring protagonist who finds winning the lottery is not as life simplifying as she expected with people coming out of the woodwork like roaches demanding their share.  Rick and Pam are stereotypes of avaricious users while Nina and Todd are compassionate souls.  Fans will enjoy Nina’s plight as winning seems more like losing but with love and God she can overcome the devils blighting her life with their greedy burden.

Harriet Klausner

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