When A Man Loves A Weapon-Toni McGee Causey

When A Man Loves A Weapon

Toni McGee Causey

St. Martin’s, Aug 2009, $6.99

ISBN: 9780312358518

In Lake Charles, Louisiana life is good if you ask Bobbie Faye Sumrall in spite of her last fiasco (see GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE GUNS).  FBI agent Trevor Cormier asked her to marry him and she accepted.  Being engaged is more than a hoot though she wished she knew a bit more about her fiancé’s current assignment.

Trevor leaves town on FBI business, but to keep Bobbie Faye from having one of her notorious very bad bad bad days as he will be gone for three days, he leaves her under the care of what he calls a bodyguard; she calls that person an adult babysitter.  Five days later, Trevor fails to return to Bobby Faye.  Worried about him she turns to her former boyfriend detective Cameron Moreau to find him even as killer Sean MacGreggor is coming for Bobbie Faye.

WHEN A MAN LOVES A WEAPON is once again a zany out of control Cajun crime caper that hooks the audience from the moment five days go by as Bobby Faye has alligators up her butt with concern for her fiancé.  The story line is fast-paced and filled with gators, swamps, bad dudes, and betting eccentrics (wagering on Bobby Faye survivalist) who make for a wild frolic.  However, it is Bobby Faye’s optimistic fortitude in the face of another Very (Very, Very, Very) Bad week that has fans wanting more of her Lake Charles thrillers as once again she affirms you can’t keep a good woman down especially since she bets on herself.

Harriet Klausner

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